
I almost forgot...

We have sort of set a date! I picked March 17th. Later I realized that it was not only St. Patrick's Day, but also my cousin Olivia's (who never reads this blog) anniversary.

I would really like some input on this one. Sat 3/17/07 is the Magazine St. SPD parade. It is super fun! Among other traditional throws, they toss cabbages and potatoes. It would sort of be a travesty to have everyone come here that weekend and miss the parade. What does everyone think about a Sunday wedding? I am asking you all because most of you will be coming in from out of town. If this plan would create obstacles, I would rather not do it.

I have about 14 months, but let me know what you think.


Dagny said...

I have a friend whose anniversary is May 5th. Nothing like a day that people already want to head out and party.

Quiza said...

I am also not opposed to moving the date back or forth a week.

I am also thinking, it would be nice to get married while we are in europe next september, and just have the party on St. Pattty's Day

I keep thinking that separating the sincere wedding event from the superfun reception event, could insure that Sean and I enjoy both.

Anonymous said...

Europe? Hell yeah. Didn't know about that! I love a good St. Patties day wedding. It's your day, girl, do what you want. There is never one good day for everyone you love.

Quiza said...

Well, Europe is a sort of spontaneous idea....I haven't begun to work out the logisitics.

Anonymous said...

Jacqui and Sean,

Speaking for myself and those that will most likely come in the extra seats of the Jeep; First I will agree with Merico, although being in town for a parade would be most excellent. An added bonus is that brother Brian has a BD same weekend.

Love BDB

Anonymous said...

Hey Jacquita! That's exciting. Whatever date you want is good. I think Saturday would be the best for me & Ed since we'd be flying in from NY, but it's your wedding, and we would definitely come no matter which day you choose.

Hope all is well in NOLA, we miss you tons!!! Hi to Sean!


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