
Home for the holidays

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I usually go somewhere for the holidays, Texas, Florida, Covington, North Carolina…whatever. This year, Sean and I were able to spend both Thanksgiving and Christmas right here in New Orleans, which was the only thing on our wish list anyway. This is the second year in a row that I have celebrated Christmas with the Hilton’s family and friends. Admittedly, I am left feeling slightly melancholic about missing my families, but the Hilton Christmas is always, delightful, tasty, and full of goodness. I feel very special to be included in their holiday festivities.

The bummer about the holiday season is that we would need some serious Santa skills to be able to see everyone in a single Christmas. So, until we wise up and trade in my Toyota for a sled with magic flying reindeer, we must always choose and rotate family to visit. Leaving town on Christmas has its benefits, but every time I go away for the Christmas, I miss seeing my friends that come home.

This December we celebrated the steady stream of re-entrants from the whole hurricane thing as well as regular Christmas visitors from the north. Staying home this year allowed us to see: Jason from Chicago, Wess, Stephen, Rebecca, and Ed from NY, Patty and Elsa from Arizona (?), Jeff Finn from the sort of generic SF “bay area”, Ryan Finn from a sailboat, and Katie Finn from Panama, and of Course Daniel Bobeck …from heaven. We are lucky.

So I am concerned about this year for a lot of reasons. First there is the “is N.O. safe” situation, (which I have decided to believe that it is in fact safe, cuz it’s more fun than thinking it’s not). Second, we are trying to plan the funnest wedding ever on the smallest budget ever. I have decided not to reserve anything until hurricane season 2006 closes. Third, we have become vastly more popular this year, and everyone wants us to visit. This is indisputably cool, but we are feeling a little stretched. Here is the deal: My dad has asked us to visit in the spring, Debbie has asked us to visit in Feb., Mardi Gras is in late Feb., Caroline has asked us to visit circa Easter, Paul and Anto are getting married in Ireland in September (we are pretty devoted to going to witness this), and the Bioneers conference is in October. Even if we are fortunate enough to bypass another heart wrenching hurricane season…. how are we going to get it all done?

Ohmigod! I almost forgot! Rebecca Louise Gibson is engaged to be married! Congratulations Reba and John! That will require some traveling too, I am sure.

The reason I am posting this, is because I want you all to know, that we will try our best to see everyone….

We love you and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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